How Can I Get My Real Estate License In Florida - Explained
If you are an aspiring real estate agent in Florida, looking for a very rewarding and successful career, the first question that will crop up in your mind is how can I get my real estate license in Florida? This post will go into all the details of how you can meet your career goal in six steps. Click here to learn more about how can I get my real estate license in Florida. Step 1 Before you apply for a real estate license, make sure that you are at least 18 years old and a U.S. citizen. A high school diploma or an equivalent is also necessary as a basic educational qualification. These are the compulsory requirements to get a license in FL as laid down by the Florida Real Estate Commission (FREC), the body that issues licenses to real estate professionals in the state. Step 2 Go through the 63-hour pre-licensing coursework from a provider approved by FREC. This is important if your study time is to be counted as having fulfilled the educational eligibility requirements to appear ...